Monday, December 3, 2012
Our Parallel Universe
Friday, November 30, 2012
I like it when you smile, but I love it when I'm the reason
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
I'm not ready to open my heart yet. Maybe I'll never be able to do that the same way again. But I do have friends that are always there for me. There's no point regretting the past. So i'm gonna live like there's no tomorrow.
Thanks for the memories
Sunday, November 18, 2012
For those who say that we're too young...
You can go to war at 18
You can drink at 18
And you can retire at 65
So how old do you have to be before your love is real...?
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
I miss you so bad...
No hand reached out
Eye lids are closing
Darkness is coming out
To love another
Is like loving a stranger
Hurt and anger
Feelings I want no longer
I long to hear
Your voice once more
But I still fear
The pain I caused to your core
Forgive and forget
May sound so easy
I place my bet
You were my best memory
I was the thorn in your life
I gave you such a scare
From the stem of rose, down I dive
Leaving you with a nightmare
The truth, my lips are sealed
Reasons, you don’t know why
The feelings, are forever real
Now you say goodbye.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Friday, November 2, 2012
Why Can't You Understand, It's Because of HIM
3 times.... it's been 3 times already. You put me through it 3 times. I can't take anymore. I can't keep hurting you. I would choose to hurt myself but we would both end up getting hurt in the end.
You keep trying. I keep rejecting. It's not easy for both of us. Yet you're going strong. And I'm getting weaker.
Tears fall because I'm hurting you. Its either you or both of us. I can't risk my heart yet. It's too soon. It's too early. BUT WHY DONT YOU GET THAT? WHY CANT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT I CANT LET GO YET? WHY CANT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT MY HEART IS BROKEN? WHY CANT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOURE NOT HIM? WHY CANT YOU UNDERSTAND......
It would be easier if you didnt feel anything for me. It would be easier if we could be just friends. It would be easier if you didn't love me...
Because of him, I can't be with you properly. Because of him, I don't see you. Because of him, you're always standing infront of his shadow. Because of him, my eyes see you but my heart doesn't. Because of him, I don't love you.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
I'm not ready...
Its been a few months. But it feels like just yesterday I was on my bed in my room explaining myself to him.
I'm still hurting, but I don't want to be anymore. I still love him, but I don't want to anymore. I still miss him and I hate the feeling.
Others are approaching. Some have potential, some can't take a hint.
I'm not ready for someone new. I'm not ready to replace him. I'm not ready to put myself out there yet. I'm not ready to feel yet. I'm not ready to risk getting hurt. I'm not ready....
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Maybe someone new...
All I know now is that someone else is constantly pushing him out of my head.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
The BLAST....
I can hear every breath I take. My mind is reeling out of control. My future is now a blur... AA hates his new responsibility. He told me " I'm not ready." To be honest, i don't think he is either. But he's next in line. But it just doesnt feel right. he argues with her a lot. He wouldnt help when he's mad. I don't want to leave her life and future in his hands. I don't think he can put his emotions aside when he has to deal with matters involving her. It'll be like before, those time when we were kids, he won't help if he doesnt get what he wants.
I'm scared, freaking out. I'm willing to take the responsibility. Better me than him. I don't trust him to do the right thing when the time calls for it. He did say '' I'm the type that chooses family over friends". But they just expect me to go on with my life like nothing happened. They don't understand that I' not worried about me, I'm worried about them.
The BLAST, why so soon??? If only we had more time... If only we knew long before it came. If only they gave us more than a 24-hour notice. . .
If only....sigh...
Sunday, September 30, 2012
I still miss you
My mind raced back to September 26 2010. The first day I met you. I knew you were younger though your height and looks begged to differ. The Melacca school trip. I remember those pants you wore at the water park. The colours were so striking, I could almost believe you borrowed it from a clown. I remember reading your poem that you showed me through your phone. . .
A year and a week later, 29 September 2011, was the day I never saw coming. It was a Thursday and you begged me to come and see you during school. I skipped class during your recess. I couldn’t see it but I felt you were nervous when I told you I had to go. You proposed to me to be your girlfriend and I remember being shocked. Though I was unsure, I said yes. I felt that a rejection would be the biggest mistake of my life. You were so happy. I remember your smile. You hugged me right under the office. . .
Then came the anniversary that didn’t happen…
The memories are painful to bear and impossible to let go. I don’t live with regrets but you are the only exception. You didn’t deserve what I put us through. You didn’t deserve all that pain that I caused. My heart can’t break again because it is no longer whole.
What I have done has no comparison,
I made mistakes without making decisions,
Your love is worth everything and priceless
A broken heart feels nothing except sadness.
The day has come to an end yet the feelings haven’t even started to fade. Maybe now just isn’t our time. But it shouldn’t stop us from living our lives. I put my love for you in fate’s hands. If I am worthy of you, fate will bring us together. Only time will show us our destinies.
Hopefully, I’ll see you in the future.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
A lot to handle..
Raya this year was different. No visiting families. No duit raya. No ketupat and lemang. Just my mom, my brother and me at The Gardens Hotel. It was fun. But where ever my brother goes, trouble follows. He just has childish mood swings after he gets what he wants. Nothing much to say about raya this year. It was peceful :)
First few friends I met was Yvette, Sanjiiv and Sean. The day turned out quite...interesting after I did the dare from Yvette. Felt wrong though, but hey, its what sin tastes like.
I've been sick for the past four days. It's tiring and I can't sleep. No mood to study and I just feel like sleeping the whole day.
My room still brings back unforgetable memories..... It's disturbing and (shiver)... ehem.... Gotta keep my head in the game. Finals in 2 weeks, thats more important than some feelings running down my spine...
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
My Last Goodbye
My plan worked perfectly the moment I wanted it to fail epicly. I did plan everything. I told her everything I wanted her to tell him. And he did. I planned it because I thought that if he knew I loved him, he would never leave. And I wanted him to move on. Then Stupid-Me decided to spill the beans and tell him the truth for reasons I'm still confused about. She's the one he trusts, not me. So he believed her, just like I planned. Only now, I wish it didn't work. (not writing some feelings because I don't want it to be true) I just didn't want us to be together right now, but that doesn't change how much I miss him.
I can't tell him his theory is wrong. I think I made a retorical promise on that. I don't wanna hurt him anymore. And if that means no talking, no texting, no calling, no blog-writing about him, so be it. I broke his heart and mine and I don't know how to put the pieces back together...
This chapter of my life is closed and not to be written about again...
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
The memories can't fade because my feelings didn't...
Saturday, July 28, 2012
When I was gone . . .
I had a really awesome time. I rode a bike at midnight with a friend at 120km/h. Totally reckless but it was worth the risk. I never felt so loose in my life. I realised I loved the danger :) I drove a Naza unser with 5 passengers and they were all screaming for their lives LOL :D Gotta love FREEDOM XD.
When I did get back on my laptop, I missed a lot in 2 days. There was a lot to catch up on. If only I did have another place I wwould rather, everything would be so simple. But Life aint easy. If it is, it's just giving you a break for the next trouble.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
That part of me
It was the start of something new.
Fasting Time !!!
It started on th 21st of this month. Still trying to get the hang of it. I should be use to it by tomorrow. I never woke up at 5am to eat yet. Can't seem to get that in my system LOL So I just cope with last night's dinner. The days seem longer now. And the nights...shorter. Time's moving so fast. I wish it would just slow down or hit PAUSE.
Monday, July 23, 2012
With you... Without you...
I'm happy but sad,
Pain is not what I want,
My situation is bad,
We're apart but not done.
You were the perfect piece,
For the puzzle in my heart.
Wthout you, I can't find peace,
Loving you, has no doubt...
With you, I'm whole
Without you, I'm gone
With you, I see my soul
Without you, I'm no one...
Sunday, July 22, 2012
I want to, I need to but I can't . . .
I'm not gonna ruin your happiness just because I'm undecided. I Love You but I can't be with you. You have every right to be mad. You have every right not to talk to me again.
I rather see you happy with someone else than unhappy with me...
Saturday, July 21, 2012
I'm sorry
I'm sorry. I really am. i really did try. But I'm not strong enough. When I'm with you, the distance didn't look very far. I didn't know what i was getting myself into. I just knew I was afraid. So here we are. With distance between us.
People make mistakes. We're not excluded.
I want to put this all behind us
My mistake was putting you through all of this crap. Look where we are now.. But I don't regret anything that happened. You are the love of my life.
I'm not saying we can never be apart if we are together. I'm just saying I'm not ready for it now. My current situation has enough pressure on me already. I didn't want to get you in the middle of problems... If I was with you, you would have the littlest of my time. And it wouldn't be right or fair to you.
I'm really sorry it ended this way. But it is what it is. I hope you realise that...
Monday, July 16, 2012
Back For the WEEKEND
Its been a day and a half and I MISS THEM like crazy!!!!! But you gotta do what you gotta do.. And I'm slowly coping with the life here, though i still hate being here.
I realise now that I'm not letting myself like this place because I dont want to get out of my comfort zone. Living in KL is easy. So many friends and families are there. It's about time I accept my life here now and just make the best of it :)
Thanks Charming....for understanding. I may be older but you're definitely and obviously the matured one in our relationship. I'm sorry to have put you through hell. I'm sorry for a lot of things. I'm happy where where our relationship is at now :) I hope you feel the same way. Thank you for being the guy that I'll never forget.
Thank you to all of you that has hurt me the most because you guys are the ones I hold dear in my life. Thanks for putting a smile on my face :)
THANKS guys for being in my life :) I love y'all.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
I need you...
I need to be in your arms again. I need your love to live. I've been dying everyday. I'm exhausted from missing you every single second. Knowing you're not mine anymore just makes me think of another girl taking my place in your heart.
I want you back.. I just don't know what I should do.. I'm going out of my mind thinking about all the freaking " WHAT IF's " in the world. I really don't need another reason to hate where I am. You would be the perfect reason I would come home to. And you would be the perfect reason why I wouldn't want to leave.
I have 8 years away from you, only coming home for a couple of weeks at a time. Then we have months apart. I would be crying everytime and I know, with you, my tears will never run dry. I would be killing us repeatedly by leaving. And I can't handle that.
I need you back so badly. I wish I was strong enough to face the distance. But I don't think I am. I miss the way it felt back then, I want to feel that way again. But I'm not gonna put you through the pain and the sufferring over and over again, everytime I leave.
It may not be good for us. You might find someone else to make you happy. But this is what's best for us. You get to live your life without me tearing you up inside with my every departure. And we'll both slowly move on, though we won't really ever forget.
You're the love of my life. The one I'll never forget. The one I love and hurt the most.
I'm doing this because I love you.
I love you so much... <3
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Maybe we just weren't meant to be...
I miss you a lot. I still love you as much as I did before. What got between us was my life here and I have 2 1/2 more years in this place.. I thought we could get through it until you showed me that you couldn't handle the way i adapted or the way I handled things. I wanted us to last. I wanted to be with you for as long as I can.
If you can question whether my love for you was real or not, what the hell was I doing with you for 8 and a half months...???
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Time away from you is what I have now. And I will move on, no matter how hard or painful it will be.
She Deserves Better
Things are never going to change. It's been this way for too long. Yet she stills stands by your side as number 2 knowing that will never change. She's not stuck with you but she chooses to be with you. She was so naive at the beginning thinking everything would be fair. You chose to do it this way. She followed because of love.
No matter what she does, she'll always be treated as second best. I just hope you can see the sacrifices that she made knowing it would never change a thing.
Friday, June 29, 2012
The Call I Dreaded
The call that I prepared myself for came. You finally called. At the wrong place. At the wrong time. I was in the car, with my parents. I was guiding my Mum to a restaurant we had dinner at earlier because my Dad couldn't find his wallet in the car.
The moment I heard your voice, I lost mine. I lost all my strength and energy. Tears started falling and I cursed under my breath. I was angry at myself for crying over you after all the nights of praticing how I would react when I had to face you.
I got angry at myself knowing I'm still weak with you. And you heard it but you misinterpreted it. All those nights before, my tears got less and less. I was getting stronger without you. Just by the sound of your voice through the phone, all those tears that didn't fall, fell with all my feelings.
I miss everything about you. I miss your company. I miss your love. I miss your charm. I miss everything that makes you the guy I fell in love with. But we are no longer together. And with every reminder of you, makes our situation a blur to me. I can't have that.
I know we are not together. There is no more us. I'm trying so hard to move on. And I need you to move on as well for me. Knowing you're still waiting holds me back. No one can replace you. No one can repair the piece of my heart that is gone. What you need to do is very simple.
Don't remind me though I will never forget. Move on though a piece of me will forever hold on to the past.
I will always love you. Thats something no one can take away.
What A Day...!
Eventhough I spent most of my day in the car between places, I never forgot what day it was. 29th of June!!! Lol I'm sure not many people know what that means. I'm blocking out all my feelings that have to do with a particular someone. If I didn't, I'd be spending most of my time debating with myself " To Call or Not To Call''. LOL
To P.C. ,
Happy What Could've Been...
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
I Want To Move On
The motorbike was just the beginning. I don't know what other crap I'm going to put myself through just to get over him. Well, at least I'm trying something. I know that whatever I do, he'll always be a part of my life because he was real. What him and I had was real. But I guess my feelings and the way i expressed them to him weren't strong enough to make him stay.
I want to move on. . . I have to...
Desperate for action
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Sleepover... EVERYONE's invited ;)
NAAHHH!!!! I'm mixing with the good kids in college. Not including the horny couples :P So we all got together for a night. The couple didnt want to leave. They preferred sleeping next to each other than in separate houses. So everybody stayed another night. LOL :D it was fun. We blasted music through the speakers. We danced. We ate. We drank (coke/water :P ) lol. We played cards. Some games I haven't even heard of.
5 mattresses all laid out side by side in the hall. Everyboddy slept there. Said it was more fun and it was anyway.
The next sleepover is going to be a BLAST !
Monday, June 25, 2012
First Lesson on a Motorbike
LOL I wish that was the bike i rode. haih... dreams... I learnt my first lesson on a normal daily motorbike you see on the road. It was quite exciting.
I learnt the gears and brakes and I was off on my own. WITHOUT a helmet. WHAT FUN!!! I somehow wanted the danger. I felt the need to do something off the rails, ignoring all the warning calls in my head. The first gear was quite ok but I changed to the 2nd gear to early. The bike lurched forward and I lost control for a second. I Changed the gear again and with more power, I almost lost the handles. I shifted it back to the 1st gear and slowed down. I rode to find my friend and she asked me to stop in front of her. I could've have done it, if the brakes worked or if I knew how to work them. She dogded out of the way just in time. I pressed the brakes even harder and the bike finally slowed down.
My friend said '' Go ride again until you are able to control the brakes and stop infront of me.'' So I went again on 2 more rounds before I perfected it.
what an experience ! ! ! I do hope I get to ride again soon.
Future RIDER ;)
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
Farewell, Shobi

But it was worth it. They make college life fun because they love to have fun. They don't take no for an answer. They don't care about the rules.
This party was for Shobi. She's a senior and she's done with her diploma. It was her last day last night so we thought of celebrating ;)

The pictures are kinda dark. They were taken with Charlie's phone.

This is his girlfriend and him. He's Siamese from Perlis and she's Indian from Kelantan.
No one had a proper camera so these pics are the only reminder of that fun night.
The cake. Yum Yum

The cake was so delicious. Everybody had a piece except Shobi. She fed us all. before she could have a piece, Charlie decided to throw it at us. I ran. So everybody was covered with cake except me. Its ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to wash cake out of long hair.

P/S more photos COMING SOON to my facebook
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Tired . . .
Tired from studing till 6am. Tired from taking the tests today. Tired because I haven't slept enough. Tired knowing I'm playing badminton this evening. Tired because there's a party tonight that I can't miss. Tired from feeling tired.
Eventhough the most tiring is thinking about that someone, thoughts won't change the fact. So if I were to write what I really felt inside, I would be stuck on the same topic everyday. And that would be
So I'm gonna sleep now. Hopefully when I wake up, I'll have a dream to blog about.
CIAO xoxo
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
I Let . .
I let you slip away,
I let distance split us far,
No longer does your path cross my way.
I let myself fall in love again,
I thought you were the one,
Now all I feel is pain,
Beside me, there's none.
Friends and family don't fill the hole,
The one now my heart holds.
You were the one I held dear,
I LOVE YOU was all I knew to say,
Losing you was all my fear,
Dont forget me, if I may say.
As life goes on without reason,
No one is to blame,
Eventhough tragic has won,
Our love was no game. . .
Take care . . .
I'm sorry.... I can't do this anymore. I'm not strong enough. This happened before and it's happening again. I can't bare the thought of the possibility of a third time. I don't wanna do this anymore. I don't wanna be the reason why, everytime we wake up in the morning, we both know that I'm the problem. Just like every other relationship I had. I'm always the problem. I can feel us dying. I don't wanna hurt us anymore. I don't wanna take away our lives. I don't wanna be a murderer.
We'll live through this. Although it will take time, this will all just be a memory when we look back...
You deserve better. You're Prince Charming and I ain't a princess worthy of you. It's a fact that I've denied all this time for your sake. Now I have to face the truth. The longer you are with me, the more hurt you'll get till I destroy you. If we are destined to be together, faith will bring us back together. But right now, we are on two different paths.
Don't let me stop you from living your life. There's so many other people out there just waiting for a guy like you. We had our time. Maybe we'll have another chance next time. Who knows, maybe after some time, you and I will be normal again around each other. Till then..... No one knows the future so enjoy the present.
Good luck. May you explore what life has to offer :) I will always love you and I miss you..... Goodbye.
To The End
The gentle breeze blows, makes me feel weak,
As soft and warm as your hand on my cheek.
Under the oak, I stare at the empty space,
Thinking back to when I last saw your face.
Through the green forest your laughter does ring,
A memory so precious, a smile it does bring.
The morning sun burns bright and steady,
My end is coming, to face it, I'm ready.
My strength is gone, I collapse to the ground,
No one will know for none are around.
I close my eyes and your face comes to me,
My breath weakens, my life leaving me.
The lights are going out, my sight to fade,
My life flashes by as though being unmade.
My days with you I shan't forget,
In this life I have lived I hold no regret.
You and I shared a life side by side,
The joy of our moments abide.
You know how I feel as I pass away,
Those three words are still there to say . . .
Monday, June 18, 2012
Maybe the sun has set in our paradise...
When I was in KL, you were no. 1 I came back for a holiday and YOU were the 2nd person I met after my mum picked me up from the bus station. I just wanted to see you. And I did. For a few hours in fact. A minute would be enough to make me smile.
I loved you with all my heart but you wanted words instead. I don't know how to heal from this.... Tears don't help at all. It's just proof that I was hurt by you.
I LOVE YOU is magic. If it's on repeat everyday, where's its specialty to all the other daily words..??
I LOVE YOU... or maybe now I should say I LOVED YOU. I never doubted you. Yet you questioned me.. I told you I wrote it but you didn't believe me. Because you didn't trust me enough, you walked away. After I showed you proof, now you want to come running back to me???
I shouldn't have to prove myself if you trusted me as much as I trusted you.
Maybe the sun has set in our paradise...
Sunday, June 17, 2012
I dont know . . .

I wish telling you that I LOVE YOU was enough but I guess its not enough for you to hear. Love is a feeling not an excuse or reason. Back in the old days, the words " I LOVE YOU " meant the world and it was the most powerful saying. The words and its meaning didn't change. People did. Love knows no reasons, Love knows no lies, Love defines all reasons, Love has no eyes but love is not blind, Love sees all but doesnt mind . . .
You always asked why do I love you... I didnt have an answer and you could hear it in my voice. Because you kept asking, I told you what you wanted to hear. A REASON. I never asked why do you love me but I did ask why did you choose me.. You gave me 20 reasons why you love me, 20 more reasons why love me and 20 infinite reasons why you love me. I cried just at looking at the title not because you loved me. Because you had a reason. I didn't have a reason and you had 60 reasons.
What if I wasn't beautiful??? What if I didnt hold the back of your neck the next time you kissed me?? What if I ate bittergourd just before you kissed me?? would I still taste as sweet??? I have 60 " WHAT IF"s all based on your reasons for loving me.
You may be more matured than your friends but your still a high school kid who has a lot of learning to do. I dont know if I'm willing to wait for you to grow up...
The letter (29/5/2012)
I can no longer picture a life without you by my side. Every wish I have nowadays is about us and a future together. You are my heart and soul. if you ever leave, life wouldnt be the same. I would lose my mind for a few months maybe then realise you might have just been a dream.
I am thankful and grateful that I've been fated tto be with you this long and maybe longer, hopefully forever. I'm missing you everyday and it would've killed me if my love for you wasnt strong enough to wake me up each morning. All my life, I've never met a guy like you. I never wanted to hold on to someone so badly. I would lay down my life for you. Thats how important you have become to me. I always thought I had a problem with commitment. i always felt that somehow, whenever i broke up with someone, it was because of who I am that they can't live with. You became the guy that I've been waiting for.
You are the one I want. You are the one I love. You are the one I can't live without. You are the one I need. When I'm with you, I feel loved. I feel safe. I feel like I'm at home. My heart is with you no matter where I am, no matter where you are. You are the part of me that makes me feel whole.
Knowing that you mean so much to me, scares me. All you need to do is leave or disappear and my life would fall apart. You're my everything. You could break me until i'm inconsoleable. People change all the time. It's natural and normal. Not knowing what is going to happen to us in the future scares me. I love you too much to lose you.
I go to sleep every night looking out my window wishing on a star that you will be mine forever. I'll never see a more beautiful night than the one I'll spend watching the stars with you, falling asleep in your arms. When I see you smilling, my heart flutters. When you kiss me, I feel like I'm flying. I would never want to miss a moment with you. In my heart, I know you're the love of my life I would never let go.
Fate had different plans for us when I got back. This letter and my love was all that I had for you. You gave me countless letters and a folio/scrapbook of us. I know I've changed since I left to college. You just couldnt accept the difference.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
I Can't
But I can’t change you. I can’t make you see some people the way I see them. I can’t make you stop talking about “that”. I can’t make you stop killing me inside. I can’t make you understand why I see things differently. I can’t stop being happy with others just because you don’t like them. I can’t do everything your way. I can’t live life the way you want me to.
So get over the fact that I am who I am. Don’t tell you what to do, I just advise you but I give you a choice because it’s your life not mine. I listen so shouldn’t you do the same? I support you, so why am I left alone?
Monday, May 28, 2012
Don't worry about what others might think. Don't worry about what goes on in someone else's life. Don't have so low self-esteem coz it brings others down with you. Dont be sad about what happened today because there's still tomorrow. Don't beg for one thing when you have so many other choices to choose from. Don't get obsessed over someone when there are so many other people around you. Don't give up on your life because someone out there wishes to have what you have. Don't be afraid to reject something you dont want. Don't be afraid to get a new boyfriend eventhough you have feelings for your ex because he might be able to make you forget about your past. Dont be so negative about anything because things can always get better ...
Monday, May 7, 2012
The distance...
Now that we're two halves of a whole, I'm fine. Better in fact. I miss you more everyday. I miss you while I'm talking to you. And the distance makes everything worse but my feelings for you grow at the same time. I'm happy. And I hope you're happy too. I dont care how far you are because my heart is always with you. We're gonna make it and i'm screwing the distance for the one who has my heart <3
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Distractions...and you're one of them...
I'm becoming a maniac, insomniac just thinking about how you're doing. You're the guy of my dreams. Loving you could be a crime because you take my breath away. Its classic how we met. On a school trip to Malacca. That was when I noticed you from the crowd. I still remember your bright coloured shorts you wore to the water park. The people who know us would turn their heads to look at us together. Maybe I'm just lovedrunk. Cant seem to stop you from running through my mind. It will never stop now that you're mine. You got that something girls read in fairytales. This is it. This is our time. We're never gonna get any younger than this. I'm glad my prince charming is you because you're worth everything most guys are not. You're worth my heart and soul. You're worth irreplaceable time. You're worth every risk that I would take. You will always be my first choice.
I'm so so sorry I'm not the talker you would prefer me to be. Im not the type to talk it about how i really feel properly even though you can say a million words and i'll still be JUST listening. I dont know how to comfort you through the phone when all I want to do is hug you tight and SHOW you I'm there for you. I could listen to you a whole day and just know what i'm gonna write in reply. You are amazing with words and you're my weakness that I would never want to get strong from. I cant tell you what you wanna hear. Even when you ask me to say something, nothing crosses my mind except a smile and "I love this guy and he's mine." I take out bits and pieces from the draft in my head and tell you some of it. I would open my heart if I could and all you would see is you. I think about you even in the darkest hour of the night.
I love you for who you are. Its not because you're taller than me. Or not fat. Or your favourite colour is blue. I dont mind not eating cake with you for dessert when we go out. We could share a drink. I dont mind If you can't have half of my cookie. I'll give you my whole heart instead. I dont care which side of the bed you want to sleep on, I'll turn to you (future reference) I dont care if you cant lick the chocolate of my lips, I'd eat sugus instead. The things I'd do for you is all out of love. Dont hate yourself because I love you just the way you are. Wouldnt love you any other way. I'm not looking for perfection because it doesnt exist but you do and I found you. My love, My heart, My home.... You're everything...
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Charming... My home.....
The nights alone in my room i sit down and cry,
The swmell of your perfume brings back our moments again,
Do you still love me, my love, do you feel my pain?
We talked, We dated, and in love we both fell,
You left, I stayed back, my life became living hell,
Each day I plan how to see you tomorrow,
When I recall your absence, my heart fills with sorrow.
Our picture in my wallet is rugged and torn,
My tears faded the ink, often i mourn,
I miss you so much, I've loved you for so long,
I know that I must but I cannot stay strong.
I know that you've gone so far away,
But forever with you my heart will stay,
I love you my lady, my beauty, my heart,
I understand no longer why we are apart.
Love is neither true or false, love is love,
My soul cries for you like a mourning dove,
With you, my heart will forever roam,
i need you by my side, you're love is my home...
Written by The one that has my heart.
Happy Happy Happy XD
First, Thanks mum for driving 4 hours in that lexus with "hot" rims just to see me in Penang. Love you so much for that. I know you hate driving but you did it anyway. so happy to se you :D. Bro, Thanks for acting like youre 19 for more hours than acting like youre 9. I wouldnt mind if you REALLY WERE 9 but youre not ok. Thanks dad for paying for everything that i needed. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ! ! !
Wireless Broading now in my hands he he he ( sinister scientist laugh ) lying down on my bed with internet is FREAKING awesome in a place where im at.
Thanks to Banana, LoverBoy, and spoilt Brat. Im smilling again. Im united once more with the love of my life. Charming, I love you. No matter where. no matter what. I love you. and no matter what i do or say, im always loving you.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Internet sucks here. Wifi keeps getting disconnected. Sigh. I hate this. Whatever. Just gotta hang in there and stay calm. Though I do feel like killing someone. Classes haven’t even started yet and I already feel so……GAH‼ Just wanna scream out loud. I’ve been lazing around for the past few days wishing my classes started last week. I can’t stand boredom. It’s suicidal. Can’t do much or anything at all with internet that gets stuck everytime you change the webpage. I miss my bloggy….. This SUCKS‼ The apartment has no internet so I gotta go to the library instead. Its not that bad coz its not that far. So whatever.... Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do...
I'm in college.
I’m staying in an apartment with 5 other girls. 2 in 1 bedroom. I would be fine if the bedroom was a bit bigger. My closet is in the hall. That’s how small my room is. But other than that, everything is fine. There’s a mini market and mamak stalls downstairs. They don’t allow cooking in the apartments. They are afraid of someone accidently leaving the gas open. The food here is tasteless though. I keep adding kicap to my food. I have yet to try the burgers ;)
There are cats around here. And they are so cute There’s one full white cat that I named snowy. It’s a female. She’s very manja and harmless but some people have this ridiculous phobia of it. Haha :D Its boring around here. Maybe its because my classes haven’t started. I have so much time but so little things I can do. There’s no internet where I stay. Its being installed. I heard it will be ready in 2 more months. So for internet, I have to go to the main building where they have classes or the library.
The hardest thing to handle over here is the memories of the past. It hits you out of the blue and so unexpected. During dinner last night at a mamak, the song “ Here Without You “ played. My friend left the table early to take a phone call. And I was just there, but my mind was somewhere else. I felt my tears fall and I hated it. I hate crying. Even though the memories are so precious, it still hurts knowing that they ARE only MEMORIES…. I miss Charming. I miss SpoiltBrat. I miss Mermaid. I miss Jivi. I miss Banana…. I miss the times I spent with them. At the time it feels like forever. Now it all seems so far away…
Thursday, March 29, 2012
This time it hurts . . .
Well, I'm alone now. And loneliness does hurts. Before this day, I would smile when i thought about him. I would laugh at our pictures because we look great and cute together. Happy tears would fall reading the poetry he would write himself and give them to me. I would wake up with positive thoughts knowing I have his heart and he has mine. My day would just get brighter even though its raining just by listening to his voice. I always have this odd smile which he loves so much whenever he tells me he loves me. He's so peaceful when I tell him that I love him. When he's not around, I feel his arms and his warmth around my body. I feel his kisses on my lips. I smell his scent on my clothes. I feel like he's always right behind me. I feel...LOVED. He made me feel whole. With him, we were one person. Now everything changed.......
I broke up with him...for reasons I'm still trying to sort out. It was the most painful thing I ever did in my life. It hurts.... It hurts feeling so alone. I feel the walls closing in on me. I can hardly breathe. I'm crying so much I feel like I'm drowning in my tears. Everything that made me smile before, just makes me cry now. I feel so alone when I think about him. I cry at our pictures knowing those pictures are the past now. Reading his poetry now feels like a knife going straight through my heart. The memories is crushing my heart. I feel...COLD. I feel like half of a puzzle. I feel like....nothing...
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Deciding Moments
Monday, March 19, 2012
2 months 2 long !
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Remember the PAST . . . ? ? ?
PS: I don't do all the creative background stuff. Just not my thing. I'm here just for the pleasure of writing.