Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I Can't

There’s a little pain behind every “its ok.” I know I’m a very patient person. It takes quite a lot to hit a nerve in me. Even with a lot of patience, there’s always a limit. The people you really care about have the power to create the happiest moment or stab your heart with the sharpest knife. Realising that you’re the reason I’m smiling and the reason why I’m crying just shows that I care about you.

But I can’t change you. I can’t make you see some people the way I see them. I can’t make you stop talking about “that”. I can’t make you stop killing me inside. I can’t make you understand why I see things differently. I can’t stop being happy with others just because you don’t like them. I can’t do everything your way. I can’t live life the way you want me to.
So get over the fact that I am who I am. Don’t tell you what to do, I just advise you but I give you a choice because it’s your life not mine. I listen so shouldn’t you do the same? I support you, so why am I left alone?

1 comment:

  1. If its me I am so so so sorry.. From the bottom of my heart and I promise to make it up to you beauty... Promise
